Arc Reactor™

The Quantum kinetic well®

“Particle Oscillations as an Energy Generator™.”

The Arc Reactor™ was inspired by a fictional device from the movie franchise Iron Man. The story portrays an incarcerated Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr., engineering a small fusion reactor to escape from prison along with his friend – Ho Yinsen. The tiny reactor later becomes the secret behind Iron Man’s superpower.

Inspired by science fiction and his own imagination, a young American scientist, who had been studying gravity, quantum field theory, electrolysis, and hydrogen densities in his garage for 7 years, has successfully demonstrated safe and maintainable fusion – a technology that will permanently alter the course of human history. This invention is a real-life, functioning Arc Reactor™, capable of producing controlled, scaled, and sustained nuclear fusion at room temperature.

McKane Lee, the CEO of Quantum Kinetics Corporation™ has successfully patented, trademarked, and verified that the real-life Arc Reactor™ is the world’s first sustainable Cold Fusion Energy Device.

The revolutionary reactor extracts electron(s) directly from air, water, liquid metals, noble gases, and even the vacuum of space. What follows is low voltage element transmutation by particle oscillations and electromagnetism (Black Body Radiator). The evidence shows the volume of fused substances is related to the intensity of the applied voltage.

As a byproduct, the reactor emits sustained extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray radiation between (<0.5KeV – 40KeV) – fusion’s electronic footprint, replicating the Sun’s gigantic power plant.

What this means is Safe Nuclear™ energy is no longer an unobtainable hope or a distant dream. It is here now for industry. Synthetic Safe Nuclear™ plasma is real using the Arc Reactor™ technology. After all, Mother Nature’s isotope manipulating plasma has been around since the beginning of time.

“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the Universe.” –Carl Sagan

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Nōlī turbāre circulōs meōs!” – Archimedes (212BC)


The Patented Arc Reactor™ – Cold Fusion Energy Device

Arc Reactor™ – Quantum Kinetic Fusion™ X-ray values with PulseTor SDD
Arc Reactor™ – Radiation signature mimics nascent cosmic blackbody radiators (Black Holes).
For the first time in history: The official patent plaque of the Arc Reactor™.