Safe Nuclear™
accomplished with the Quantum Kinetic Well®
“Particle Oscillations as an Energy Generator™.”
Quantum Kinetics Corporation’s (QKC) Safe Nuclear™ approach merges atomic nuclei at room temperature in a controlled and sustained manner. Utilizing the Quantum Kinetic Well®, QKC has successfully triggered Safe Nuclear™ re-normalization with heavy water (Deuterium-Oxide) D2O [Cambridge Isotope Laboratory – DLM-99].
Quantum Kinetics Corporation is able to successfully convert 99% deuterium-oxide (D2O) water into heavy elements such as carbon (both organic and inorganic), silicon, oxygen, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, vanadium, chromium, manganese, aluminum, iron, nickel, gold, and uranium nano-technology.
The Sun’s plasma surface temperature ranges from 4,770 – 6,500 Kelvin. It is postulated that the Sun’s core is approximately 15.7 million to 50 million degrees Kelvin [1.3KeV – 4.4KeV]. Our patented and trademarked technology can sustain Safe Nuclear temperatures as X-rays corresponding to 11.6 million to 200 million degrees Kelvin [1KeV – 20KeV] at a mere 1.9 watts of power input.
Images on the right detail materials fabricated by QKC’s Safe Nuclear™ device as analyzed under an electron microscope at the University of Washington’s Molecular Analysis Facility (MAF).
“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff.” –-Carl Sagan

D2O experiment photon radiation signature data. Blue spectrum 30v experiment. Red is 60v experiment. Orange is 90v experiment. Green is Fe55 calibration sample. Red vertical line represent the temperature of the Sun’s photo-sphere [4.3KeV]. Black is all signals overlapped. (a) 1 minute. (b) 2 minutes. (c) 12 hours. (d) 24 hours. Note: All experiments show bulk ion temperature above 100+ million degree Celsius (9keV) safe nuclear operations.
Cathode element composition changes before experiment and after. Carbon value increases are suggestive of Triple-Alpha phenomenon at room temperature.
Dissolved metal concentration shows fabrication of Mg, Cu, V, S, Mo, Al, Ag, Ba, Ca, Mn, Pb, and Na. It is suggestive that at low power 30v input, there took place a full organic carbon-cycle based on the Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC).